Join The Village
The Village is a group of monthly donors: generous and passionate people – people like you – who are coming together to invest in the future generations of Uganda.
After all, it takes a village.
The combined impact of monthly donations ensures that all Love Mercy Foundation projects continue to run reliably month to month, and plans can be made to grow and improve programs throughout the year.
To put it simply, we’re stronger together.
What could your impact look like?
As little as $30 a month can empower 12 women with a seed loan for the year. With an average of 6 children per household, you can impact over 80 lives in a single year. Even better, those 12 seed loans are returned from a portion of harvest at the end of the year and are given to new women joining the project.
Your tax-deductible gift continues to impact another 12 households the following year!
The impact of a year of $30 monthly donations:
fees paid for
increased year-over-year
30kg seed loans provided
individuals reached
maximised through VSLA
for the whole family
Become part of a caring community of monthly donors from all over the world making a real impact each month in the communities of northern Uganda.
Over the last 12 years, The Village has contributed to:
Providing over 115,000 seed loans to households in northern Uganda as part of Cents for Seeds.
Supporting the Kristina Health Centre to enable over 74,000 patients to access primary medical care.
Drilling over 80 new water wells and repairing over 340 broken wells providing access to clean water.
Clearly, we’re stronger together.
As our community grows, so does our impact.
Choose an option below to start giving.
Whether it’s $30 or $300, your monthly gift will change lives.
In one year, you will provide 12 women with 30kg seed loans. The 150 – 300kg harvest will pay for children’s education, put food on the table, generate income for health care, livestock and other needs.
Your monthly gift will provide 12 birthing kits to the Kristina Health Centre to ensure a safe birth for 12 mothers and their babies. This will include any medication required, equipment and a midwife.
There are thousands of broken wells in Uganda. Each month you can repair a broken well and provide 12 communities of up to 500 people with access to safe, clean water, reducing the risk of sickness & disease, and keeping children in school.
What to expect when you join The Village:
The Village newsletter delivered to your inbox every month
We have a strong relationship with our team on the ground in Uganda and like to catch up weekly to see what is happening. We will share some of these updates with you once a month, so you know exactly how your gift is changing lives in northern Uganda.
You’ll be the first to hear about anything new on our radar.
Whether it’s exclusive access to events, new stories from the field or updates about when Eloise is speaking or holding a running event, and when Julius might be visiting, you’ll be the first to know.
Giving to something you believe in makes you feel good.
When you give each month to Love Mercy projects, you know that your gift is going toward sustainably empowering communities in a way that will result in generational change. Every monthly gift over $2.00 is also tax-deductible, and you will receive a receipt each month.
As a signatory to the Australian Council for International Development (ACFID) code of conduct and as a registered charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC), you can trust our team with your donations.
Our commitment is to the women in northern Uganda, to adapt and adjust when needed. We work to remain transparent with how your donations work to support this. You can read more about this on the Reports and Policies pages.
Meet The Village
Okello Grace, Okwang
“Before Cents for Seeds, it was not an easy life.
Life is easier now. We can count on the seeds to grow food and I can send my children to school.”
“I love supporting Cents for Seeds. I love to know that the $30 a month that I donate is giving a woman and her family a hand up, not a hand out, and will on to benefit many others thanks to her hard work. I love the monthly stories that I get via email. I feel like I am making a real difference.”
Natalie Lennon
“It's my connection to the women, the mothers, the breadwinners, knowing my contribution can empower them with the tools they need to be self-sufficient, independent and successful business women. We may live in different worlds, but we have the same hopes and dreams.”
Mel Campbell
"I donate to Love Mercy, primarily through their Cents for Seeds program, because I know that almost the entire $ donated goes directly to helping those in need. It is also so tangible- $30 buys 30kg of seed. I have also seen first-hand where the money goes and the impact it has in changing the lives of those in Northern Uganda."
Gerard Timbs
Each month, you will provide a woman with 30kg seed loans. The 150 – 300kg harvest will pay for children’s education, put food on the table, generate income for health care, livestock and other needs.
Your monthly gift will provide a birthing kit to the Kristina Health Centre to ensure a safe birth for a mother and her baby each month. This will include any medication required, equipment and a midwife.
Kickstart a 12 month income-generating group for 40 women, supporting the start of their small businesses to generate secondary income. This provides a key stepping stone after graduation from Cents for Seeds.