Your small gift, her bright future.

To give towards our programs in northern Uganda, select your desired amount or enter your own.

Consider a tax deductible regular monthly donation to help us expand our impact.

Every dollar goes such a long way in northern Uganda.

A $30 gift from you will provide a loan of seeds that a woman can take and turn into food and economic security. Through her hard work, she can maximise the 30kg, put food on the table and earn an income. This allows her to join the local savings group and develop a safeguard.

At the end of the year, she hands that 30kg back and another woman receives it the following year

More ways to give:

  • You can give a tax deductible donation via direct deposit to our bank account.

    Name: Love Mercy Overseas Aid Fund

    ACC: 10377955

    BSB: 062 259

    Be sure to include your last name on the deposit. Email [email protected] for a tax deductible receipt.

  • You can give a via direct deposit to our bank account.

    Name: Love Mercy Foundation Ltd

    ACC: 10326437

    BSB: 062 259

    Be sure to include your last name on the deposit. Email [email protected] for a receipt.

  • Mail a cheque donation to:

    PO Box 702 Sutherland NSW 1499

    Don't forget your return address and email so we can send you a receipt.

  • We aim for a minimum of 70% of donations to reach Uganda. You can read our annual reports on our website for more info or send an email to [email protected].

  • If you would like to include a gift in your will please get in touch with us via [email protected]. We would love to chat with you.