Income Generating Activities
Income Generating Activities build on our mission to co-design innovative solutions and build on existing strengths with local communities in northern Uganda to overcome poverty and increase wellbeing.
How it works.
This project sees savings groups empowered with economic security to support their family.
Once women graduate from Cents for Seeds and work with their Village Savings and Loan Group, they look to boost their income in other ways. It encourages further economic security and sees VSLA groups develop their own ‘side hustle’ for additional income.
Six trial groups started in 2021 with tailoring projects, farming additional land, raising poultry, and even starting a piggery!

Income Generating Activity Groups are possible because of the support of our generous donors.
We’re looking for people to fund more IGA Groups in 2024 and beyond. If you’re looking to give a gift that will change the lives of dozens of women and their families, please get in touch.
The Tailoring Project
The first tailoring project launched in 2021 thanks to the generosity of three main partners: Country Women’s Association, The Swinhoe family and The Inner Wheel. The two-year tailoring project aims to empower women and girls with skills and resources to earn an income and provide for themselves and their families.
The set-up for this project required training space, sewing machines, tools, fabric and a dedicated tailoring trainer. The students train in workshops each day with one sewing machine shared between three students.
2023 Update
The tailoring students decided they would like a uniform for their lessons and have been working towards making it themselves with the materials provided. Some of the group have also already made beautiful dresses and skirts!
The group has also formed a Village Savings and Loans Group, where they will be taught how to save, what interest is and how to borrow.
After two years of training, the tailoring students will have saved half the cost of a new sewing machine. Love Mercy Foundation will support the other half, ensuring the girls have what they need to begin their tailoring business, selling clothing in the village or at the market to earn an income.