Seeds meet water…

How does Well Worth It support Cents for Seeds?

The idea for Well Worth It sprung from our Huber Social Impact Reports, which measure the wellbeing of Cents for Seeds participants.

In 2018, we discovered that access to both food and water had the highest correlation to levels of wellbeing. This meant that no matter how successful our Cents for Seeds program is, without access to safe, clean, drinking water, levels of wellbeing will never reach their full potential.

At Love Mercy, we believe the best approach is locally led development. Our Well Worth It program is a cornerstone of this philosophy, with the Love Mercy Uganda team assessing which communities are most in need of clean water access.

Providing clean water access creates a ripple effect that impacts our other initiatives, including our Cents for Seeds program that empowers women to earn an income by harvesting and selling a crop. Here’s how the two programs are interconnected and how clean water is transforming lives and livelihoods.

The Importance of Clean Water

Access to clean water is a fundamental human right and a critical factor in improving public health, reducing poverty, and promoting economic development. In many parts of northern Uganda, communities face significant challenges in accessing safe drinking water. Well Worth It aims to address this by providing reliable sources of clean water to remote villages. Each well serves an average of 1,500 people, drastically reducing the time and effort required to collect water.

Supporting Women's Empowerment Through Agriculture

In addition to our well-building efforts, Love Mercy is dedicated to empowering women through Cents for Seeds. Agriculture is the backbone of Uganda's economy, and women play a crucial role in this sector. However, they often lack the resources and support needed to realise their agricultural potential. Cents for Seeds provides women with a micro-loan of seeds, plus the tools, training, and resources needed to become successful small-scale farmers. It is self-sustaining, in that the loan is paid off at the end of the first harvest so that it can be passed on to the next participant the following year. Program participants are empowered to learn new skills, earn an income, and provide for their families and communities. This gives them greater financial security and promotes higher levels of wellbeing, breaking the cycle of poverty for future generations.

The Synergy Between Clean Water and Farming

Saving Time and Resources

One of the most immediate benefits of having access to clean water is the time saved in water collection. In Uganda, women and girls spend up to 6 hours each day walking long distances to fetch water. With wells available nearby, this time can now be redirected towards other activities, such as education, income generation, and farming. Women can invest more time in planting, weeding, and harvesting crops, leading to better yields and increased food production.

Improved Health and Reduced Medical Costs

Clean water reduces the incidence of waterborne diseases such as cholera and diarrhea, which are prevalent in many rural areas. Healthier communities mean fewer days lost to illness, allowing women to consistently work on their crops. Additionally, reduced medical expenses mean more financial resources can be allocated to other essentials such as school fees.

Sustainable Farming Practices

Our agricultural training includes education on sustainable farming practices, which are more effective when there is reliable access to water. Techniques such as drip irrigation and proper crop rotation require consistent water supply to be successful. By ensuring that women have access to clean water, they’re able to implement these practices more effectively, leading to better soil health and long-term agricultural sustainability.

Community and Economic Impact

The impact of Well Worth It and Cents for Seeds extends beyond individual households to the broader community. Increased agricultural productivity leads to surplus produce that can be sold in local markets, boosting the local economy. Moreover, as women become more financially independent, they can contribute more significantly to community development and decision-making processes.

A Brighter Future for All

Through Well Worth It and Cents for Seeds, Love Mercy is fostering an environment where communities can thrive. Clean water is not just a necessity; it's a catalyst for growth, health, and empowerment. Together, these programs are creating a foundation for sustainable development, ensuring that the benefits of clean water and agricultural success are felt for generations to come.

We are incredibly proud of the progress made so far and remain committed to expanding our efforts. Our goals include the installation of 20 new wells a year – a somewhat challenging task at $8,000 a well – as well as the restoration of 130 wells. In doing so, we hope to provide 14,000 people access to safe, clean, drinking water.

In 2023, we got close to achieving our goals with 16 new wells drilled and 130 wells repaired. We even installed our second solar-powered borehole well, which provides 5x the water supply than an ordinary borehole well!

To date, Love Mercy has funded over 70 new wells and repaired over 500 wells in communities across northern Uganda.

Thank you to all our supporters and partners who make this work possible. Together, we are building a brighter, healthier, and more prosperous future for the people of northern Uganda.

If you would like to support Cents for Seeds or Well Worth It, please visit our Give page to make a donation. Your contributions can make a lasting impact in the lives of many!


Gen Z: The Change-Makers


Climate resilience part 3: prioritising peace